Platelet-rich plasma for hair preservation

The plasma treatment method has been proven to be effective in preventing baldness and hair loss. Other wonders of plasma are also often used to remove skin wrinkles, give elasticity and radiance, treat persistent wounds and treat burns. The plasma treatment is an easy, reliable and very natural method without any risk or allergy.

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The benefits of plasma treatment

In the world, plasma treatment is used as a method to preserve and strengthen hair. It has been scientifically proven that the plasma treatment for hair preservation increases the success rate of hair transplantation and stops the loss of existing hair. The plasma treatment for hair preservation is not only effective in cases of hair transplantation; but also effective for people who wish to nurture, thicken and strengthen their existing hair follicles and prevent future shedding.

Hair transplantation and plasma treatment for hair preservation

Plasma treatment for hair preservation, performed after a hair transplant, supports the donor area and the transplant area and increases the effectiveness of the procedure with the solution materials and causes the hair to grow and strengthen in these areas. It nourishes the hair follicles, supports the donor area and the new hair follicles by "fertilizing" the new places and their immediate nutrition through blood vessels. The hormone produced in the solution enables the creation of new and vital blood vessels around the hair follicles.

The process of producing plasma rich in platelets for hair preservation

In the initial stage, the patient's blood is taken into a test tube. The test tube is put into a centrifuge under sterile conditions, the material is enriched in terms of platelets according to the patient's needs. If needed or preferred by the patient, a local anesthetic can be applied before the injection. After the centrifuge is activated and due to the rotation of the test tube, the platelet plasma is formed. At this point the plasma will be ready to be injected into the scalp using very thin needles. The procedure takes 20-30 minutes per session. There may be redness after the procedure. It will go away in a few hours. The patient must protect his skin from sunlight, must not wear make-up and avoid contact in order to avoid unnecessary irritation.

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the treatment process

Form filling

Form filling

blood taking

blood taking



test tubes

test tubes

Scalp injection 1

Scalp injection

Types of tracks

VIP track

are you spoiled Love travel companions? Your English "like this way", means "I bring myself, you will take care of everything!" – This track is for you!

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fast track

Your English is perfectly fine, are you knowledgeable when you land abroad, are you also discreet and interested in going through the process in private? This track is for you!
Choose a date and leave the coordination to the experts

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Conservation track

You look in the mirror, see hair, but also see that it's not like the day before yesterday, the hairline is less impressive... Do you run your hand gently and come across hair falling out?
Wait, before you go to Turkey, friend My Hair I recommend you keep the existing one!

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