The concerns that may prevent women from having female hair transplants

Without even being aware of it, you may have seen today in an elevator in a building, in a store in a shopping center or in a hallway at work, a woman who passed hair transplant. Alongside the women who celebrate the technology, there are those who are in no rush to have a hair transplant, even though they are aware of the benefits of the process. The reason? Concerns! So indeed, there are legitimate and "healthy" concerns, but also those that are unfounded and created mainly from rumors and a "broken phone". For your pleasure, in all things related to the subject of Female hair transplants - There is only one truth. We are happy to present to you a number of common concerns, which you may also have found yourself getting carried away with. 

1."My husband had his head shaved. I can't afford it…”

In hair transplants intended for men, the transplant is indeed often conditional on shaving the head. With Female hair transplants It works a little differently. We are aware that women's sensitivity to their hair is high, and few women would agree to flaunt baldness, even if for a limited time. Therefore, the transplant for women does not involve shaving the head, so you can remove any concerns. 

2. "I prefer to wear a wig, just not to feel pain..."

Women who suffer from hair loss are not ready to put up with it. And so, they look for different methods through which they can obscure the shedding a little. Although there are a variety of solutions, there is no solution like a process Female hair transplants that renews natural growth! Although many women are aware of the advantages of the process over the other solutions, there is a concern that makes it difficult for them to perform the transplant: the fear of pain.

The most common question we are asked is not "Does the transplant hurt?", but "How painful is the transplant?". In other words, women assume that the implantation process is necessarily painful. We are happy to be the ones who shatter the myth: hair transplantation is not painful, although it may cause discomfort, and even then - only in the area from which the hair was donated and not in the area where hair was transplanted. 

3. "I've been used to my hair all my life, I'm afraid the result will be unnatural"

Women are largely defined by their hair ("I'm curly with black hair", "I have straight blonde hair") and so on. Women who have to deal over the years with Hair Loss, experiencing a real emotional crisis ("I feel that I have lost my femininity"). To the delight of all women who are familiar with this phenomenon, there is something to do: Hair transplants women! The natural fear that the transplant will produce an unnatural result is understandable. However, as long as you choose a type transplant FUE, you can be quiet - you are guaranteed a natural result.

Unlike other solutions for blurring hair loss that are immediately flooded with questions such as "What did you do to your hair?", "You look different...", "Are these hair extensions?", with a hair transplant this will not happen, since the result you expect in the middle of the process is natural. Sign up here on our website for photos of women who have undergone the transplant, and see for yourself how natural the result is!

4. "I am self-employed and cannot afford to be absent from work. That's why I reject the transplant..."

postpone the transplant? There's really no reason! We don't know what you know or have heard of Female hair transplants, but know for sure that you don't need long recovery days. Even if you are self-employed/hired who works many hours and cannot be away from work for a long period of time, you will be able to perform the transplant. Hair transplantation relies on advanced technologies, where one of the great news is the possibility to return to work the very next day!

For more details about women's hair transplants abroad with my hair, you are welcome to contact us. We will be happy to answer any professional question, adjust a transplant route for you and coordinate a face-to-face meeting - *3800

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