Hello to the hair! Hair transplants in Dubai

Many Israelis who dream of the "dream of full hair", are forced to leave it in a drawer mainly for one reason: the high costs associated with treatment in Israel. In recent years, many Israelis have discovered neighboring Turkey, where they are performed Male hair transplants and women. At first, quite a few eyebrows were raised, but today Turkey is the authority when it comes to hair transplants. Men and women who have undergone the procedure and today "their hair is blowing in the wind" can testify to the quality of the treatments and the high level of satisfaction.

Dubai, whose gates were closed to Israelis until now, is opening! The discourse on the peace agreement with the United Arab Emirates recently opened all the news broadcasts and starred in the headlines of all the newspapers. Many believed that it would take some time before Israelis could visit Dubai, but even before the official signing, journalists managed to visit it and received a warm welcome.

What makes the process Female hair transplant And men in Doabi to be so desirable and sought after?

  • Not a cosmetic procedure, but also for a trip to a country whose doors were closed until now
  • Hair transplantation offered in several different routes, for your choice
  • Full support - before, during and after the transplant 

"What are the hair transplant methods performed in Dubai?"

There are 3 main methods of hair transplantation. In order to ensure maximum results, comprehensive and thorough tests are conducted with the aim of matching each candidate with the method that best suits them. As you know, there are men with complete baldness, alongside men with growth all over the scalp but it is very sparse. According to the characteristics of each candidate and the goals he defines, the recommended and correct method is offered to him. Male hair transplant and women is performed by one of the following methods:

  • FUE
  • FUT
  • PRP

Hair transplantation for men and women using the FUE method

If you happened to watch travel documents of men who went through the hair transplant process, it is likely that you watched the FUE process. With this method, the hair follicles are found by a medical team from areas where there is beautiful hair growth. The same follicles are transplanted on the same day to the bald/thin areas. In this method, no incisions are made and the process is non-invasive, which often makes it the most desired method by hair transplant candidates. 

The prominent advantages:

  • The procedure is performed under local anesthesia only
  • Depending on the patient's requests, it is possible to take a short break
  • A short procedure that takes between six and eight hours only
  • Satisfaction with the results - very high

Hair transplantation using the FUT method

If in the FUE method a surgeon's knife is not used and the process is not defined as invasive, then this procedure is slightly different. From the abundant hair area, also called the "donor area", a thin strip of skin is cut. Unlike the procedure presented earlier where the work is done in real time on the head of the hair transplant recipient, here the work is done in an external laboratory - where the hair follicles are separated from the skin strip. Later, the follicles will be transplanted to the pre-defined areas. 

Hair transplantation using the PRP method

Another method for Female hair transplant and men is the PRP method. This method is based on the idea that platelets are the solution to the disturbing phenomenon of baldness. In this treatment, blood is taken from the hair transplant candidate and later the platelets are isolated. Finally, the plasma is injected into the patient and it is the one that encourages the restoration of the tissues and the regrowth of the hair. The method is not painful, is not based on full anesthesia and is performed using only a needle (and not a surgeon's knife).

How did the demand for hair transplants rise abroad?

The year is 2020, and things that only a few years ago would have seemed like a distant dream, are now coming true! There are experienced and skilled teams, advanced instrumentation, state-of-the-art equipment, great knowledge, technology and above all - success stories! Lots of men and not a few women have adapted a method to deal with their hair loss - to accept it. Today, thanks to the process Hair transplants in Dubai Offered to you, you don't have to accept the shedding, baldness or receding hairline. Hair transplants men And women also allow you to smile again in front of the mirror!

For many years, a variety of preparations, "revolutionary" methods, natural substances, recommendations for hair-growing nutrition and what not have been marketed and published. You no longer need to bet on different methods whose results are unknown, waste a lot of money and finally also find yourself frustrated. Hair can also grow back on your scalp with Female and male hair transplants!

5 things you should know about hair transplants women and men

You know mainly one thing: there is nothing else you would like more than to run your hand over your head and feel hair! Beyond that? It is likely that you are mostly surrounded by question marks and general uncertainty regarding the expected process. Just before you renew your passport, pack and prepare for Dubai, you too should know 5 very important things about hair transplants:

  • The hair transplant is not painful - the process of taking the hair follicles begins only after the area is anesthetized. The local anesthesia ensures that you will not feel uncomfortable, but on the contrary: you can rest, watch TV, listen to music or talk to the treating staff.
  • The process is short - for a hair transplant you don't need to come several times to the clinic, take vacation days from the place of the fact or devote yourself to a long process. Male hair transplant and women takes between 6 and 8 hours.
  • Does hair transplantation tear the pocket? Not really - there is a common myth that hair transplantation is very expensive and is only for rich people, but this is just a myth. Female hair transplant and men It is offered in a number of different routes in Dubai, so you also have the option of choosing the route according to your budget.
  • You don't have to do anything! - Collecting recommendations on medical teams, booking flights and hotels and learning about local transportation solutions? You don't need to bother yourself with all these! Hair transplants in Dubai It is offered to you as a perfect deal that includes everything you need so that you can go on a journey with peace of mind.
  • Back to normal - just before you go to your boss and ask him for a month off, wait. Female hair transplants and men Improve your routine and not disrupt it! You will be able to return to your work immediately upon your return to Israel, provided that the recovery progresses without unusual events and as long as your work is not based on physical labor.
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