When should a hair transplant be performed - in summer or winter?

That's it, you've decided: you want to make your dream come true and do it hair transplant! From this moment, you begin to act actively in order to fulfill your hair dream. While moving and in the midst of a diagnosis process, you realize that apart from the decision you made - to fulfill a dream, you must make another decision: when to fulfill it? 

One of the most common questions we are asked is, what is the most recommended timing for hair transplants - in the winter or summer months? We will not leave you in suspense, and we have already said that Hair transplant Possible in all seasons. Finally, the decision made is a product of schedule constraints and personal preference.

Hair transplant 1

The season in which you will perform the transplant - why is it even relevant?

Surely now the question is flashing in your mind: "Why is the season in which I will perform the transplant so important?" The answer to this question is quite simple: as far as the transplantation process itself, which takes place in the treatment room abroad by a dedicated and experienced team, the season is not relevant. However, the process does not end in the treatment room, rather it continues during a period known as the "recovery period". The weather mainly affects the comfort of the recovery period, and its effect on the final result is relevant only in cases where the recommendations of the treatment team are not implemented. 

Summer hair transplants - the benefits

  • Israelis are used to and function better in the Israeli summer weather, as this is the familiar weather. Traveling abroad, even if "just" for good hair transplant, comfortable and "lighter" logistically in the summer.
  • In order to perform a hair transplant abroad, you will have to sign a number of vacation days. For many, summer is the ideal timing, as employers tend to be a little more lenient with releasing employees. 

Hair transplants in the summer - the disadvantages

  • The Israeli summer is characterized by high temperatures and very high humidity. or in other words? In the Israeli summer, you sweat, and a lot! Hair transplants And sweat is not really good company, when increased sweating (which is inevitable in the summer), may irritate the area where the hair was transplanted and in exceptional cases contaminate it. This means that you will have to stay mostly in closed and air-conditioned rooms, and avoid going out during the day as much as possible.
  • After the transplant, you will have to avoid direct exposure to the sun. Immediately after the transplant, you will receive detailed instructions from the treating staff regarding wearing a cover (recommended only about a week after the transplant), and the period of time in which you must avoid complete exposure of the scalp to the sun. In a sunny country like Israel, the complete avoidance of exposure to the sun is challenging, although possible.
  • If you are parents of children, transplanting in the summer is a little less recommended. During this period, the children are on vacation, so you are going to spend hours with them (while their expectation of you is that you will admire them and travel with them). During the recovery period, especially at the beginning, the recommendation is to avoid any physical activity, especially one that might expose you to the sun. Did you have a hair transplant in the summer? Can suit you? Only you know.

Hair transplant in the winter months

Are you winter people and interested in transplanting your hair specifically in the cold months? This is a possibility, and there will be those who will say that it is even a better possibility compared to the summer. So what is important to know?

  • In the winter, you are spared the high temperatures, so the chance of increased sweating (which may cause infection) decreases significantly
  • However, you should avoid direct contact of rainwater on the scalp
  • It is important to know: in the first days (usually, about seven in number), it is forbidden to cover the scalp with a hat. That is, you can avoid contact with rain only by using an umbrella 
  • In the first few days, the unequivocal recommendation is to avoid leaving the closed space where you are staying, especially if the days are rainy and windy.

In conclusion, we strongly recommend considering the advantages and disadvantages of each season, and try to understand according to your lifestyle, your constraints and your personal preferences, Is a winter or summer hair transplant suitable for you?.

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