Hair transplants abroad: who will perform the transplant for you?

Like many Israeli men, you also decided to invest in yourself and perform a hair transplant. Have you reached the point where you have to decide: should you perform the transplant in Israel or fly to perform it abroad? Your hesitation is understandable, but we know what the right path is for you: hair transplants abroad!

Not by chance Hair transplants Mainly identified with countries like Greece, Turkey, Cyprus and Georgia. The Israeli man wants to receive a professional-quality answer, an excellent price and above all - an impressive, durable and natural-looking result. It is not that hair transplants are not recommended in Israel, but that abroad they are more recommended.

One meeting with us separates you and your hair dream! We will be happy to advise you, accompany you and celebrate your new look with you. Until then, we are happy to answer a question that we are asked a lot: who performs the hair transplants abroad? You ask - we answer!

Hair transplantation abroad - why do Israeli men prefer it?

There are 2 main reasons:

  • The professional experience - in Turkey, for example, hair transplants have been performed for many years. The therapists managed to accumulate many "implantation hours". The more transplants they perform, the more skilled, precise and thorough they are and accordingly - the better the result.
  • The price of the transplant - in Israel, it can be said that hair transplant is relevant only to resistant men who can afford a high financial expenditure. An absurd situation has arisen in which only men with means deserve to look good. Hair transplants abroad are cheaper and more accessible, so the hair dream that for many years was a distant dream for many men, is now achievable. 
  • Another reason is of course the opportunity to travel to a tourist destination, so you both get to fulfill a dream and enjoy a trip abroad.

"The cheap price comes at the expense of the quality of the transplant?"

of course not. There is a reason why transplant prices abroad are cheaper. In Israel, only doctors are allowed to perform the hair transplant. Abroad, on the other hand, nurses and paramedics, for example, can perform the transplant, and thus the costs are cut - sometimes even in half! In the end, what matters is not who performs the transplant, but how he performs it. For that matter, there can be a doctor with no experience in this procedure who will perform the transplant, and thus the result obtained will be mediocre. On the other hand, there can be a paramedic who has accumulated many hours in transplantation, and in this specific procedure he is more skilled than a doctor. The result will be accordingly.

"After the transplant, will my hair look natural?"

Definitely! Unlike other methods that promise to restore the hair, hair transplants abroad keep the promise. It is important to understand that before the transplant solution, men would fight hair loss using "magic powders", wigs, hair pieces that were glued to the scalp and a host of other creative solutions that did not really manage to simulate the look and feel of hair.

The hair transplant is based on your hair! With the regrowth, you will get a natural and abundant look, and unless you share with those close to you about the transplant you performed, no one will be able to notice that your hair is transplanted. 

Let the success stories tell you about hair transplants abroad

We can tell you a lot: about the kindness and professionalism of the care teams, about the high satisfaction of the clientele and the wonderful feedback we receive. However, we believe that the best way to learn about our service and the teams we work with is through the success stories of our clientele.

You can get an impression of a photo and video gallery on our website documenting the transplant process - from the "before" to the "after" stage. We invite you to fulfill a dream and return to you what you lost - your hair. For more details and to schedule an appointment, call - *3800

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