How do you choose a hair transplant company abroad?

Advertisements on radio and television, banners on major websites, ads on social networks and recommendations from acquaintances - from every direction you hear about hair transplants abroad. Since this is a significant process, in the middle of it you will get back two important things - your lost hair and confidence, it is important for you to do it with a reliable and recommended company. We assume that the question flashed into your mind: "According to what parameters should I evaluate the various companies?". Your question is not only important, but also necessary!

we in my hair We are happy to share with you the most important things to consider when choosing a company for hair transplantation abroad. It is important to emphasize: only a company that meets all the conditions and parameters is worthy of being the one to go through the process with you and make your dream come true!

Several hair transplant routes

There are companies that offer a number Hair transplant routes, but also companies that offer only one route. And which company for hair transplantation abroad should you choose? Of course, the one that offers several routes. why? For a simple reason: you have specific and unique needs that need to be met. When the company limits you to only one transplant route, you have no choice or choice - but to adapt yourself to the conditions set by the company. 

We at my hair recognize that all men have different needs, and that a quality process is necessarily dependent on a full response to his needs. Therefore, we formulated three different routes: a conservation route, a fast route and a VIP route. You can get an impression of the full route specifications here on our website!

A variety of hair transplant methods

Is there one method to perform using it hair transplant? The answer is no. This is the place to emphasize: choose a company that offers Several implant methodsE, and by no means one method. why? Because the variety of methods gives you something important and valuable - a choice! We strive to provide a high-quality, complete and accurate response to each of our customers. Our responsibility is to match you (according to your personal characteristics and expectations), the most accurate and correct hair transplant method for you. The transplantation methods performed through us are micro FUE, DHI and organic transplantation. We will recommend a suitable and correct method to you from our experience. The decision? Only yours!

Full transparency with customers

You can learn about the transparency and reliability of the company even before you meet with it. Here on our website, for example, you can find extensive information about the process, the types of transplants, the types of routes and what distinguishes them, what is expected of you on the day of the transplant, what the recovery process is expected to look like (including the challenges and restrictions) and so on. A transplant company Hair abroad Must be transparent throughout the process! 

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Recommendations and success stories

The best way to evaluate a hair transplant company abroad is on a basis Recommendations and success stories. The recommending customers were in your shoes - as interested parties, until recently. Through them, you will be able to learn a lot about the process, but the real value that their recommendations will give you is information about the transplant company: 

  • Did she meet all her obligations?
  • Availability - before, during and after the transplant
  • The quality of the service - the attitude, the listening and the inclusion
  • The personal treatment provided by the caring staff and more...

The success stories of our customers are backed up by their photos, so that apart from the verbal descriptions, you can see with your own eyes the wonderful results full of natural hair!

Hair transplant prices

Can't talk about Hair transplants without talking about the costs involved in the process. Therefore, when you compare different companies, give importance to this parameter as well. Basically, a friend for hair transplantation abroad You will necessarily offer cheaper prices compared to companies that offer transplantation in Israel. And why is it important to know this? Because the cost of the process should in no way limit you, make you postpone the realization of your dream or, God forbid, give it up. Transplants abroad, with an emphasis on those performed in Turkey, are offered to you at affordable and cheaper prices than transplants in Israel.

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